How to:
How to start a new project?
- After starting the program or at any time working with it, select New Project in the Data Source tree. The Spreadsheet workspace will be selected and displayed automatically.
- Choose the appropriate File menu item:
- to create a blank spreadsheet (New) ,
- to use any previously filtered data (New from filtered),
- to open a previously saved project (Open) or
- to import any data from SDF files with chemical structures or tab-delimited TXT files containing SMILES notations (Import).
How to import data into a spreadsheet?
- Choose New Project in the Data Source tree.
- Select Import tool in the File menu of the Spreadsheet menu bar.
- Browse and select the previously saved sdf, mol, txt, csv, xls file containing data.
- In the Compound Import Wizard window, click a field in the left pane to select it. Press Ctrl while clicking to select multiple fields.
When you choose to import data from the tab-delimited text file: toggle the check box on or off to indicate whether the first row of the tab-delimited file is a header row containing field names; designate the field containing SMILES strings of the compounds by clicking on that field in the preview table. - Use the arrow buttons to move selected fields between panes: Arrow Buttons move one or more selected fields and Arrows Buttons move all fields between panes.
You can also drag and drop fields between panes. - Click Next, and the import progress bar will appear.
During the import process click Cancel if you wish to abort the data import. - After the import completes, click Finish. The data will appear as a table (structures in rows, and calculated values, comments, references, etc. in columns) in the Spreadsheet workspace.
- NOTE: Importing new data to the open spreadsheet will append all the structures from a new data source. All the columns in the original spreadsheet associated with modules available in ACD/Percepta (i.e., the ones calculated from within the program) will be automatically populated with the calculated corresponding property values for the new appended molecules.
Which data source to use?
- If you wish to perform single structure calculations, it is not necessary to choose any data source.
- If you have the data set and wish to edit, filter it, perform search or batch calculations, choose New Project in the Data Source tree and select Import tool in the File menu of the Spreadsheet view.
- If you wish to optimize the structure of your lead compound by modifying its fragments, choose Substituents data source and Structure Designer workspace.
- If you wish to browse the built-in databases, search the compounds by name, structural similarity, or by their experimental values, or view the literature references, choose one of the Databases in the Data Source tree
- If you wish to browse or edit the library that is used for training a certain model, select the relevant model and the associated library from Trainable Libraries data source