File Menu
- New – Opens a blank spreadsheet.
- New from filtered - Transfers the rows visible under current filter conditions to a new spreadsheet project.
- Open - Opens any of the previously saved “Chemical Spreadsheet” (CHS) files.
- Save - Saves the active spreadsheet with its current filename and location on the hard drive.
- Save As - Saves a copy of the active spreadsheet under the user-defined filename and location on the hard drive.
- Close - Closes the active spreadsheet. A message box will prompt the user to save the active project.
- Import - Imports data to the active spreadsheet. The supported file formats include single structure files (CDX, MOL, SK2, and SKC), multiple structures files (SDF, RDF), as well as tab-delimited text (TXT) or comma separated value (CSV) files with chemical structures as SMILES strings.
NOTE: Importing new data to the open spreadsheet will append all the structures from a new data source. All the columns in the original spreadsheet associated with modules available in ACD/Percepta (i.e., the ones calculated from within the program) will be automatically populated with the calculated corresponding property values for the new appended molecules. - Export - Allows export of the contents of the current spreadsheet to an SDF, RDF, TXT, CSV, or XLS formats.
NOTE: All the compounds in the active spreadsheet are exported, regardless of any filters applied at the moment of data export making some of the rows invisible.